Steps for making a new Virtual Machine within Virtual Box

Open VirtualBox

First open of VirtualBox should be similar to…

Print screen image of Virtual Box application without any virtual machines configured

Create Virtual Machine

Click New button…

Within Name text field input a unique and descriptive string, eg. Live_Mint

Under Type drop-down select Linux

Under Version drop-down select the distribution, and be certain that selection matches the architecture of downloaded ISO eg. Other Linux (64-bit)

Print screen image of Virtual Box application Create Virtual Machine pop-up

Configure Memory Size

Click Next button…

Under Memory size select 2048MB or greater

Print screen image of Virtual Box application Memory size pop-up

Configure Hard Disk

Click Next button…

Under Hard disk select Do not add a virtual hard disk

Print screen image of Virtual Box application Hard disk pop-up

Confirm Create Warning

Press Create button, then Continue button…

Print screen image of Virtual Box application Create warning pop-up

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