Directions to follow within live-boot instance to install Linux to USB

Install Linux Mint

On Virtual Machine desktop double click Install Linux Mint, note if installing Ubuntu then icon may be titled slightly different

Print screen image of Virtual Machine Install Linux Mint

Select Language

Select preferred language on first screen of Install window, then click the Continue button

Print screen image of Virtual Machine Select preferred language

Select Keyboard Layout

Select a default keyboard layout on the second screen of Install window, and test that keys are read correctly, then click the Continue button 02-select-keyboard-layout

Print screen image of Virtual Machine Select default keyboard layout

Third Party Software

Check the check-box for Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi harware... within screen of Install window if desired or required, then click the Continue button

Print screen image of Virtual Machine Enable or disable installing thirdparty software

Installation Type

Within Installation type screen select the first option, Erase disk and install Linux Mint, then click the Continue button

Print screen image of Virtual Machine select installation type

Write Changes to Disk

Click Continue on "Write the changes to disk" pop-up…

Print screen image of Virtual Machine write changes to disk

Note, so long as the virtual machine is setup as described the only drive available will be the target USB (/dev/sda)

Where Are You

Within Where are you? screen of Install window select the time-zone to use, then click Continue button

Print screen image of Virtual Machine configure timezone

Who Are You

Within the Who are you? screen fill out the text fields, select login preference, and check the Encrypt my home folder check-box if desired

Note, depending upon threat model, and distribution, it may be better to preform an encrypted install.

Let the installer finish, and do not click anything within the installer window during installation!

Print screen image of Virtual Machine configure primary account

Continue Testing

When Installation Complete window pops up click the Continue Testing button

Print screen image of Virtual Machine continue testing

Edit /target/etc/fstab Configuration

If installing Mint versions 19 or greater edit the /etc/fstab file of /target USB and comment out the swap file line, and if encrypted home directory was enabled comment the cryptswap1 line…

/target/etc/fstab (snip)

# /swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       0
# /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0
Print screen image of Virtual Machine edit default mounts configurations

Edit /target/etc/crypttab Configuration

Additionally, if encrypted home directory was enabled then edit the /target/etc/crypttab file, and comment the swap file configuration…

/target/etc/crypttab (snip)

# cryptswap1 /swapfile /dev/urandom swap,offset=1024,cipher=aes-xts-plain64
Print screen image of Virtual Machine edit encrypted swap mount configurations

Click the Menu icon (lower left corner) and select Quit

Print screen image of Virtual Machine

… then click the Shut Down button within the Session window…

Print screen image of Virtual Machine

When Please remove the installation medium... line appears tap the Enter key and the virtual machine window should close

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